阿這是本人首次翻譯 翻得怪怪的可以提出來噢:D 希望大家喜歡U
[Verse 1]
You end up alone after all that you've done, all that you paid for 你將這一切草草結束後,頭也不回地轉身離去。
Did you get what you wanted? 你得到你真正想要的了嗎?
You loaded a gun with all you were made of 你把你幹的一切有如子彈般上膛,接著射出,不對其負任何責任
When you're alone, people don't think you know what you're made of 當你只剩一人時,人們不會相信是你創作那些鬼東西的。
Are you better than me? 你真的比我好嗎?
It's not up to say it's all that you wait for 如果是我,我不會乖乖地守株待兔。
Now I'll find a way 我會找出方法。
I'm seeing it through, can you not be hateful 我已看透一切,你能變回以往天真而非現在充滿怨恨的人嗎?
While we're alive, can we relax that, what are maids for? 當我們活著時,我們能對其釋懷嗎,庸碌的一生究竟為了什麼?
You were there for me, and I was there for you 你曾為了我在那,我也曾在那等你
How will I let you go? 我怎麼會讓你離開?
You will always be the one that I regret 你永遠是讓我後悔分手的那個人
How will I let you go? 我到底怎麼會讓你走?
[Verse 2]
You're here in the way 你站在那想堵我
How could you stay with all that I paid for? 你怎能安然無恙地站在那經過我無怨無悔的付出?
Leave any time, won't let you wait 挑個你喜歡的時間離開吧,我不會欄你
How could you be sure? 你怎能如此確定?
You're holding out hope 對自己的夢毫無懷疑
I'm seeing it too, I'm trying to follow 我見證了那件事發生,現在的我也試圖追隨你的腳步
I've been through hell and back again 我曾在鬼門關前走過一回
I've come to understand that when you tell me that I can't pretend 我逐漸了解你當時告訴我那不切實際的虛夢。
I either care about your stuff 我也逐漸不在乎你的一切。
Make the most of the things that might be rough 使得大部分的事情走向毀滅。
I let you go 於是我選擇讓你離去。
Holding out hope for you 對你堅信不移。
Holding out hope, holding out hope for you 對你執迷不悟,死心塌地地信任你。
Let you go, let you go 你去吧,你走吧
Let you go, let you go 離我遠遠的,走開
[Pre-Chorus] [Chorus 2]
You were there for me, and I was there for you 你曾在那等我,我也曾在那等你。
I remember times like that 我記得好幾次都像那樣。
You will always be the one that I regret 你總是那個我後悔分手的那個人。
How will I let you go? 我怎麼會讓你離開?
Let you go, let you go 算了你去吧,你走吧。
Let you go, let you go 離得遠遠的,走開。